Monday 29 September 2008

Stu's final thoughts

We were accused of not being edgy, but to be honest as far as the shows, competitions & lectures that were on offer I can't find much to complain about. On the whole it was a great convention.

So what was wrong?

Dealers, Mat has mentioned this so just quickly. IBM please be aware dealers come to these conventions to sell, so if you don't leave some gaps in the programme for we magis to go puruse then at some point they won't come anymore, I see this year there were already quite a few empty stalls and missing faces.

Mistakes, there were quite a few errors in the program and the mini program didn't quite match the main one. Also I booked 3 tickets for the gala, I was only given 1 (really bad seat) then when complained I was given more more (bad seats) but not with the orginal, so the friends (yes I have some) I invited had to sit elsewhere.

One last point to make, I heard that if numbers of conventioneers doesn't increase then the money may run out in two years and no more conventions, I don't know how true this is as it was just gossip, but surely it's a good reason for you to support the next one. JMHO.


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